About Us
About Crossland
WORSHIP 10:30 am
We are located in rural Indiana, about 25 miles west of Indianapolis just off Hwy US 40
Love God
Love Others
Serve the World
It means that we have a process for MAKING DISCIPLES at Crossland. We seek to intentionally move people from being just "attenders" to mature disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
SUNDAY is when we focus on LOVING GOD through great worship and Biblical Preaching aimed at TRANSFORMATION not INFORMATION.
LOVING OTHERS happens in our Small Group on Sunday morning and on Wednesday evenings as we develop relationships with one another.
We are engaged in MISSIONS and MINISTRY as we SERVE THE WORLD. . .
CROSSLAND is a sixteen-year-old church that formed with the merger of Stilesville Baptist Church and Crossland Baptist Church in 2008. Stilesville Baptist has been a part of the local community for over 140 years. Crossland was a newly formed church that was seeking a meeting place. Stilesville Baptist agreed to allow Crossland to meet and to use their building. After some time, the leaders of Stilesville Baptist approached the leaders of Crossland with the idea of joining together which served the needs of both groups. The result was a newly formed congregation that is eager to serve and to love the community.
Crossland is a Bible believing, Bible teaching church that draws its purpose and direction from the God’s Word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit through prayer. We have a heart for missions and ministry. For this reason, Crossland voluntarily cooperates with other like-mind churches through other associations like CBA, SCBI, and the Cooperative Program of the SBC.
Crossland partners with other ministries in the greater Indy area like GoodNews Ministries and SHINE.fm. Crossland partners with On-Mission in Ecuador, and On-Mission 2 which seeks to equip pastors in South and Central America.
Love God, Love Others, Serve the World
CROSSLAND is a thirteen year-old church that formed with the merger of Stilesville Baptist Church and Crossland Baptist Church in 2008. Stilesville Baptist has been a part of the local community for over 140 years. Crossland was a newly formed church that was seeking a meeting place. Stilesville Baptist agreed to allow Crossland to meet and use their building. After some time, the leaders of Stilesville Baptist approached the leaders of Crossland with the idea of joining together which served the needs of both groups. The result was a newly formed congregation that is eager to serve and to love the community.
Crossland is a Bible believing, Bible teaching church that draws its purpose and direction from the God’s Word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit through prayer. We have a heart for missions and ministry. For this reason, Crossland voluntarily cooperates with other like-mind churches through other associations like CBA, SCBI, and the Cooperative Program of the SBC.
Crossland partners with other ministries in the greater Indy area like GoodNews Ministries and SHINE.fm. Crossland partners with On-Mission in Ecuador, and On-Mission 2 which seeks to equip pastors in South and Central America.
This means that in doctrine, we agree with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and in practice, we contribute monthy to our local Crossroads Baptist Association, our State Convention of Baptist in Indiana, and to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Meet Southern Baptists http://www.sbc.net/aboutus/
For almost 175 years, Southern Baptists have sought to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere.
The Southern Baptist Convention was formed with a Gospel vision. Its founding charter identifies its singular focus: . . . for the purpose of eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the Baptist denomination of Christians, for the propagation of the Gospel.
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has grown to be a network of more than fifty thousand cooperating churches and church-type missions banded together to make an impact for God’s Kingdom. Though as many as two hundred could be counted as “mega-churches,” the vast majority of Southern Baptist churches run less than two hundred in weekly worship. No two Southern Baptist churches are alike; but there are certain commonalities that bind Southern Baptists together, regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, size, or locale. What we offer here is an overview to help tell the story of what God is doing in and through the people called Southern Baptists.
Who Southern Baptists Are
Southern Baptists are as varied and diverse as the cities, towns, neighborhoods, and rural communities where they live. Each Southern Baptist church is autonomous and unique; only when viewed together can one grasp the diversity that is the Southern Baptist Convention. Southern Baptist churches represent a broad range in . . .
size—very small to very large
culture—Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and every subculture within each region
age—youthful church plants to historical organizations
ministry setting—inner-city, storefront, suburban, small town, open countryside, cowboy, motorcycle
race and ethnicity—Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Korean, Chinese, Native American, Russian, and numerous other ethnic groups
language—The Lord is worshipped in more than one hundred languages each Sunday in Southern Baptist churches scattered across the United States
worship style—traditional, contemporary, and everything in between
theological perspective—all within the framework of historic biblical orthodoxy.
But to know Southern Baptists means to understand that the center of who and what we are is the Person and Work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Southern Baptists are people who have been redeemed through Christ from sin—the spiritual brokenness that causes us to resist God’s ways and fall short of His glory.
Southern Baptists hold high the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the unifying center around which everything else is built and from which all ministry flows. We use the phrase regenerate church membership to emphasize that the starting point for everything related to a Southern Baptist church is each individual’s personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives.
Southern Baptists believe that each human being is a sinner by birth and by choice, that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We believe that Jesus, “in His substitutionary death on the cross,” made “provision for the redemption of men from sin” and “effected the reconciliation between God and man.” And we believe that “There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.”
While the Bible does not teach that the waters of baptism have any saving power (salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, Ephesians 2:8), in keeping with the biblical emphasis reflected in our heritage and name, and as “a people of the Book” (the Bible), Southern Baptists believe that all true believers will long to be identified fully with their Lord and Savior through the act of believer’s baptism.
We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 28:19). It is an act of obedience symbolizing (1) the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior; (2) the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus; and (3) the believer’s trust that his or her mortal flesh shall be clothed with immortality in the final resurrection of the dead.
It is by the Gospel, because of the Gospel, and for the Gospel that the Southern Baptist Convention exists; so it only makes sense that everything about Southern Baptists is tied directly to the Gospel.
- We believe the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, without any error, the all sufficient authority in matters of faith, doctrine and Christian living.
- We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, and that He is true God and man. He died on the cross for our sins. He rose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and is now our High Priest and Advocate.
- We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost. Only through regeneration by the work of the Holy Spirit can mans’ salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
- We believe that eternal salvation is the free gift of God, entirely apart from man’s works, and is possessed by any and all who have faith in and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
- We believe in a regenerated church membership: that is, persons old enough to understand their need for Jesus Christ and, of their own free will, accepted Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
- We believe that baptism is by immersion and the Lord’s Supper is a memorial to His suffering and death on the cross. These are ordinances to be observed by the church in its present age. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means for man’s salvation. 8. We believe in the personal, bodily, imminent, and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ and that His Second Coming inspires believers for dynamic and zealous life and service for Him while waiting for His return.
- We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, the everlasting blessedness of the saved in heaven, and the everlasting punishment and separation from God of the unsaved in hell.
- We believe in the autonomy of the local church. The church shall manage its own affairs and shall not be subject to any other religious body or organization.
- We subscribe to the “Baptist Faith and Message” adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963 and 2000 as our larger statement of faith with scriptural references.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith having been baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we do now most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant one with another, as one body in Christ. To God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we pledge our love, faith and obedience and covenant to live as Christians in our community and in our world, to be exemplary in our conduct, just in our dealings and faithful in our engagements; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.
We also covenant to live as Christians in our homes, to engage in personal and family devotions, to teach our children by instruction and example that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord; and to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances.
We further covenant to live with one another in Christlike love; to pray for one another; to help each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy of speech; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, gossip, and excessive anger; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation; to forgive one another as Christ, has forgiven us; and to minister to one another in compassion, sacrifice and concern as we share each other’s joys and sorrows.
We moreover covenant to love as disciples of Jesus Christ and to grow in His grace and knowledge, as we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together; nor neglect to study the Holy Scriptures; nor fail to pray faithfully. We also covenant to contribute cheerfully and regularly with our time, tithes and talents to support the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We will, when we move from this place, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.

PASTOR-- Rev. Kenny Stevens
Pastor Kenny and his family came to Crossland in April 2014. He and his wife have served with NAMB and IMB. He is originally from Tennessee. He is a graduate of NOBTS, SEBTS, & SBTS.